Why I, Dr. Paul, say the “Vaccine–Friendly Plan” is not friendly enough, and why I wrote my new book “VAX FACTS: What to Consider Before Vaccinating”.
In 2016 when the Vaccine-Friendly Plan (VFP) was published, there was plenty of good research showing problems with vaccines. The presence of vaccine side effects and the lack of proper placebo-controlled studies with long-term follow-up were known. It was the almost complete failure of scientists, doctors, researchers, and industry to do the proper long-term studies comparing the vaccinated to the unvaccinated and look at all health outcomes that allowed the ridiculous marketing slogan that “vaccines are safe and effective” to live on unchallenged by most.
A great awakening was underway. Many brilliant and courageous doctors and scientists were speaking and writing about the dangers of vaccines, their general unsafeness and effectiveness, and the fact that side effects were much more common than the 1 in a million claimed by the CDC and doctors promoting vaccines.
Speaking to a group of two hundred doctors in 2016 about the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, I concluded that talk by saying, “What we need to do is a prospective study that compares all health outcomes comparing the CDC vaccinated, to those following slower schedules like the VFP, with outcomes for the unvaccinated. A brilliant researcher came up to me after that talk and said, “I can help you do that.”
That was the birth of PHOI, the Pediatric Health Outcome Initiative. We obtained the IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval, and I began enrolling patients and fundraising as it was a project that would require millions to complete. The Oregon Medical Board (OMB), seemingly working alongside the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), began a relentless campaign to make it difficult to keep my Integrative Pediatrics practice profitable and to take my license to practice medicine.
In 2019 the OMB sent a letter demanding that I prove that the VFP was as safe as the CDC childhood vaccine schedule. That resulted in the famous vaxxed vs un-vaxxed study published in 2020 that sent shock waves around the world for all who saw this.
This peer-reviewed article, in an international journal of public health, was opened over 250,000 times before being wrongfully retracted due to one baseless complaint that water was later proven to be false. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/htm
The unvaccinated are simply much healthier than the VFP vaccinated who in turn are healthier than CDC vaccinated.
The response of the OMB to this important article? My license was emergently suspended with the statement that I was a threat to public health. This suspension effectively killed PHOI. But the data from my practice was powerful as I had hundreds of unvaccinated patients and thousands of VFP vaccinated patients.
Fast forward to 2024, and we now have numerous studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated and they all show the same pattern. The vaccinated have significantly more neurodevelopmental issues, more allergy and autoimmunity and more infections of all types.
My new book with co-author DeeDee Hoover (Just a Mom), “Vax Facts What to Consider Before Vaccinating” is a must read for all people of any age who are considering vaccines. The information is powerful and needs to get into the hands of every parent and expecting couple. The chapter on adults makes this book essential reading for everyone on the planet!
Pre-order the hard copy book anywhere books are sold including: Barnes&Noble.com, Books-A-Million, IndieBound, & Amazon.com
If you simply must know more before this book is available, you can book a coaching session here: https://www.kidsfirst4ever.com/coaching.html#/