Press Kit
Guidelines for Podcasters and Media Outlets Interested in Interviewing Dr. Paul or DeeDee

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Questions to Ask Dr. Paul
- Why did you write VAX FACTS?
- What makes VAX FACTS different from your other book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan?
- How are you different from other pediatricians?
- Dr. Paul, how can you be right, while so many of your colleagues seem to be wrong on the vaccine issue?
- What is your core philosophy on vaccines, informed consent, and mandates?
- Can you share more about your published research and why it was retracted?
- Why is the chapter on SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) so important?
- What have you found regarding the risk of death from vaccines compared to the risk of death from the diseases they are meant to prevent?
- Aren't you worried society will regress if everyone stops vaccinating?
- How do you respond to those who claim that unvaccinated children benefit from the protection provided by vaccinated children?
- Is it not our responsibility to protect society’s most vulnerable, like cancer patients and the immunocompromised, by getting vaccinated?
- What was most surprising when you looked at the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated studies?
- (Answer: The massive number of medical conditions caused by vaccines, including more infections, and the relatively better health and lack of infections in the unvaccinated.)
- How do you address the argument that “association does not mean causation”?
- What would you do today if you were a new parent deciding on vaccines?
Questions to Ask DeeDee Hoover (Just a Mom)
- Why are you so passionate about the vaccine topic?
- What is the most important takeaway you hope readers get from this book?
- What have you found to be most helpful when coaching others on communication issues?
- What would you do differently today regarding vaccinating your son, and why?
- Who should read VAX FACTS?
- Do you have a message you want to share with all parents—and adults, for that matter?